38 years ago in Minsk, in a family of doctors, Nikita was born with a pathological feature - a cleft lip and palate in a serious form. In his life he got a huge amount of surgeries, almost from his birth.
•The first operation that I remember was the reconstruction of the tissues of the hard palate. To experience such pain you can’t compare with anything. Probably, similar to how a red-hot metal ball is inserted into your cavity.  You can imagine what pain comes with it.
•In my childhood I had to deal with quite a lot of humiliation in my direction. Physical and mental abuse. I didn't understand why this was happening. Childhood is a cruel time, especially when you are very different from other kids in a same age.
•This stopped being a problem for me after I had a surgery, which was made by professor from Moscow about 18 years ago. If earlier I thought about it daily and constantly, then from that moment it simply stoped to exist in my life.
•Many famous people were born with the same pathological feature, such as Joaquin Phoenix, Cheech Marin and Tutankhamun.
•Perhaps, only now I could fully let go and now I can enjoy my life. Acceptance and forgiveness - being in such a paradigm - is the way to calmness and to open the necessary flows.
•Was it ever a problem for building relationships with women? No! Never with women!
P.S.  Nikita didn’t shaved his beard for many years. He did it specifically for the project "Greatness to be Yourself", right during the shooting.

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